ArticleHodgkin Lymphoma: A Retrospective Clinical and Pathological Analyses with Correlation to Treatment Outcome
ArticleHodgkin Lymphoma: A Retrospective Clinical and Pathological Analyses with Correlation to Treatment Outcome
ArticleA Retrospective Study of Reirradiation for Patients with Locoregional Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer: A Single-Institution Experience
ArticleA Retrospective Study of Reirradiation for Patients with Locoregional Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer: A Single-Institution Experience
ArticleQuality of Life assessment in patients that underwent tongue cancer resection utilizing a specific designed questionary
ArticleQuality of Life assessment in patients that underwent tongue cancer resection utilizing a specific designed questionary
ArticleThe incidence of Sublevel IIb Lymph Nodes Metastasis in Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Prospective Study
ArticleThe incidence of Sublevel IIb Lymph Nodes Metastasis in Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Prospective Study
ArticleTreatment Outcome in Patients with Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer at Presentation (Retrospective Study)
ArticleTreatment Outcome in Patients with Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer at Presentation (Retrospective Study)
ArticleClinico-pathological and Epidemiological Characteristics of Colorectal Cancer Patients - Retrospective Study
ArticleClinico-pathological and Epidemiological Characteristics of Colorectal Cancer Patients - Retrospective Study
ArticleHistological and Immunohistochemical Investigation of Lycopene's Preventive Effect on Sodium Nitrite-Induced Tongue Cancer in Albino Rats
ArticleHistological and Immunohistochemical Investigation of Lycopene's Preventive Effect on Sodium Nitrite-Induced Tongue Cancer in Albino Rats