ArticleSpontaneous Separation Versus Manual Removal of Placenta During Elective Cesarean Section Regarding Blood Loss
ArticleSpontaneous Separation Versus Manual Removal of Placenta During Elective Cesarean Section Regarding Blood Loss
ArticlePlacental Cord Drainage Versus Clamping for Prevention of Blood Loss in the Third Stage of Labour
ArticlePlacental Cord Drainage Versus Clamping for Prevention of Blood Loss in the Third Stage of Labour
ArticlePlacental Cord Drainage versus no Placental Drainage in the Management of Third Stage of Labour: Randomized controlled trial
ArticlePlacental Cord Drainage versus no Placental Drainage in the Management of Third Stage of Labour: Randomized controlled trial
ArticleCarbetocin versus Misoprostol in Reducing Blood Loss during Cesarean Section in low risk patients. A Randomized Controlled Trial
ArticleCarbetocin versus Misoprostol in Reducing Blood Loss during Cesarean Section in low risk patients. A Randomized Controlled Trial
ArticleEfficacy of Different Uterine Compression Sutures in Controlling Excessive Uterine Bleeding during Caesarean Section
ArticleEfficacy of Different Uterine Compression Sutures in Controlling Excessive Uterine Bleeding during Caesarean Section
ArticleEarly versus delayed umbilical cord clamping during cesarean section of pregnant women with preeclampsia: Maternal and neonatal outcome
ArticleEarly versus delayed umbilical cord clamping during cesarean section of pregnant women with preeclampsia: Maternal and neonatal outcome
ArticleComparative study between intraumbilical oxytocin injection and placental cord drainage in management of third stage of labour
ArticleComparative study between intraumbilical oxytocin injection and placental cord drainage in management of third stage of labour