ArticleA proposed Attendance Check System in the smart academic library Based on Deep Learning Face Recognition
ArticleA proposed Attendance Check System in the smart academic library Based on Deep Learning Face Recognition
ArticleReal-Time Face Recognition and Attendance System with Integrated Security using Computer Vision and Arduino نظام للتعرف على الوجه والحضور في الوقت الحقيقي مع الأمان المتكامل باست
ArticleReal-Time Face Recognition and Attendance System with Integrated Security using Computer Vision and Arduino نظام للتعرف على الوجه والحضور في الوقت الحقيقي مع الأمان المتكامل باست
ArticleA Face Recognition System Based on Deep Learning (FRDLS) to Support the Entry and Supervision Procedures on Electronic Exams
ArticleA Face Recognition System Based on Deep Learning (FRDLS) to Support the Entry and Supervision Procedures on Electronic Exams
ArticleEmploying biometric technology in document management: Managing the governmental university student records as a model
ArticleEmploying biometric technology in document management: Managing the governmental university student records as a model