Articleknowledge extension needs of rice farmers with the recommendations for rice cultivation underlining At Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
Articleknowledge extension needs of rice farmers with the recommendations for rice cultivation underlining At Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
ArticleThe knowledge of rice growers about the guiding recommendations for rice cultivation in Dar in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate.
ArticleThe knowledge of rice growers about the guiding recommendations for rice cultivation in Dar in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate.
ArticleFarmers weaht knowledge about extention Recommendations in Desouk district, at Kafr El-Sheikh Governorat
ArticleFarmers weaht knowledge about extention Recommendations in Desouk district, at Kafr El-Sheikh Governorat
ArticleEconomic and Production Indicators of Rice Farms in Mutubis District, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
ArticleEconomic and Production Indicators of Rice Farms in Mutubis District, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
ArticleDeterminants of knowledge of farmers in some sustainable agriculture practices in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate
ArticleDeterminants of knowledge of farmers in some sustainable agriculture practices in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate
ArticleAn Economic Study on Rice and Alternative Crops in Light of the Relative Scarcity of Water in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
ArticleAn Economic Study on Rice and Alternative Crops in Light of the Relative Scarcity of Water in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
ArticleEconomic Analysis of the Production of the Most Important Grain Crops (Wheat and Rice) in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
ArticleEconomic Analysis of the Production of the Most Important Grain Crops (Wheat and Rice) in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate