This Study aimed basically to invistigata the Family Values of ruralWomen through Five Sub-goals are to idemtify the level of mainting therespondents on the Five Studied Family Values, (interual marriage,early marriage, having boys, consultation in the Family, privacy andWhole Family Values), to Study the relations between each Studiedindependent Variable and the level of maintaining the respondents onFamily Values of each Five Studied types, as Well Whole Family
Values, to determinp the relationship between all studied independentvariables and the level of maintaining the respondents onstudied Familyvalues, and finally to determine the degree of each variable ininterpretation the variance of the respondents maintaing level onstudied family values.To achieve those objectives, Nawag village, Gharbia governorate hadbeen selected with respondents of 320 samples, The date werecollected interview using application that had been designed, assessed,tested and prepared in its final form for this Purpose, As well,Proportional and numerical frecuancies, Weighted mean, PearsonCoefficient and Standard Partial vegression Coefficient had been usedin analyzing data.