ArticleANANALYTICAL STUDY OF ECONOMIC OF TRADITIONAL FISHING PRODUCTION IN YEMEN دراسة تحليلية اقتصادية لقطاع الصيد التقليدي لإنتاج الأسماک في اليمن
ArticleANANALYTICAL STUDY OF ECONOMIC OF TRADITIONAL FISHING PRODUCTION IN YEMEN دراسة تحليلية اقتصادية لقطاع الصيد التقليدي لإنتاج الأسماک في اليمن
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ArticleAn Integrated Assessment of Fish Cages Culture in Damietta and Rosetta Branches تقييم متکامل للاستزراع السمکى في الأقفاص بفرعي دمياط ورشيد
ArticleFish Production and Evaluation of the Fishery Status for Shalateen Fishing Area, Red Sea, Egypt
ArticleFish Production and Evaluation of the Fishery Status for Shalateen Fishing Area, Red Sea, Egypt
ArticleAn economic study of the production and consumption of fish in Yemen during the period (1996 -2010)
ArticleAn economic study of the production and consumption of fish in Yemen during the period (1996 -2010)