Articleتحليل إقتصادى للعوامل المؤثرة على جودة بعض السلع الغذائية والمصنعة (دراسة حالة : محافظة القليوبية)
Articleتحليل إقتصادى للعوامل المؤثرة على جودة بعض السلع الغذائية والمصنعة (دراسة حالة : محافظة القليوبية)
ArticleEcоnоmic Analysis of Milk Prоductiоn and the Impact of Agricultural Pоlicies in Egypt (Case Study of Qaliоubia Gоvernоrate)
ArticleEcоnоmic Analysis of Milk Prоductiоn and the Impact of Agricultural Pоlicies in Egypt (Case Study of Qaliоubia Gоvernоrate)
ArticleThe Economics of Dairy Milk Production in Egypt (A case study in Assiut Governorate) اقتصاديات إنتاج الألبان في مصر (دراسة حالة بمحافظة أسيوط)
ArticleThe Economics of Dairy Milk Production in Egypt (A case study in Assiut Governorate) اقتصاديات إنتاج الألبان في مصر (دراسة حالة بمحافظة أسيوط)
ArticleAn Economic Study of the Effects of Local Changes on The Prices of Food and Agricultural Commodities in Egypt (Case Study in Qalyoubia Governorate)
ArticleAn Economic Study of the Effects of Local Changes on The Prices of Food and Agricultural Commodities in Egypt (Case Study in Qalyoubia Governorate)
ArticleEconomics of Dairy Products Industries in Monofia’ Governorate (Case Study of Baladi’ Laboratories)
ArticleEconomics of Dairy Products Industries in Monofia’ Governorate (Case Study of Baladi’ Laboratories)
ArticleAn Analytical Study of The Impact of Structural Changes on The Prices of Agricultural Production Requirements in Light of The Current Local Changes in The Arab Republic of Egypt C
ArticleAn Analytical Study of The Impact of Structural Changes on The Prices of Agricultural Production Requirements in Light of The Current Local Changes in The Arab Republic of Egypt C
ArticleStatistical Measurement of the Impact of Climate and Environmental Variables on Egyptian Agricultural Output Indicators
ArticleStatistical Measurement of the Impact of Climate and Environmental Variables on Egyptian Agricultural Output Indicators
ArticleAn Analytical Study of the Impact of Agricultural Policies on the Cotton Crop in Egypt (Field Study in Beni Suef Governorate)
ArticleAn Analytical Study of the Impact of Agricultural Policies on the Cotton Crop in Egypt (Field Study in Beni Suef Governorate)