ThesisEfficacy of three rotary NI-TI instruments in the removal of gutta-percha filling material during root canal retreatment
ThesisEfficacy of three rotary NI-TI instruments in the removal of gutta-percha filling material during root canal retreatment
ThesisIn vitro evaluation of manual and rotary NiTi retreatment systems in removing gutta-percha obturated with root canal sealers
ThesisIn vitro evaluation of manual and rotary NiTi retreatment systems in removing gutta-percha obturated with root canal sealers
ThesisAn evaluation of the cleaning efficacy of ProTaper rotary files versus Hedström hand files in the removal of Gutta-percha and Resilon obturating materials during root canal retrea
ThesisAn evaluation of the cleaning efficacy of ProTaper rotary files versus Hedström hand files in the removal of Gutta-percha and Resilon obturating materials during root canal retrea
ThesisComparative study of the cleaning efficiency ofhedstrom hand files, protaper and safesider rotary system in the removal of gutta-perchafrom curved root canals : In-vitro study
ThesisComparative study of the cleaning efficiency ofhedstrom hand files, protaper and safesider rotary system in the removal of gutta-perchafrom curved root canals : In-vitro study
ThesisThe efficiency of two retreatment systems on the removal of two obturation sealers under two irrigation regimens : Comparative study
ThesisThe efficiency of two retreatment systems on the removal of two obturation sealers under two irrigation regimens : Comparative study
ThesisRoot canal cleanliness and shaping ability of two rotary nickel-titanium instruments : An in-vitro study
ThesisRoot canal cleanliness and shaping ability of two rotary nickel-titanium instruments : An in-vitro study
ThesisA comparative study of the cleaning efficiency and time of gutta-percha removalof two nickel titanium rotary systems : In-vitro study
ThesisA comparative study of the cleaning efficiency and time of gutta-percha removalof two nickel titanium rotary systems : In-vitro study
ThesisA comparative study of two rotary root canal enlarging instruments in the preparation of curved root canals : In vitro study
ThesisA comparative study of two rotary root canal enlarging instruments in the preparation of curved root canals : In vitro study
ThesisEvaluation of the effect of rotary and ultrasonic instrumentation with different irrigations on dentinal surface and bacterial contents of root canals : An in vitro study
ThesisEvaluation of the effect of rotary and ultrasonic instrumentation with different irrigations on dentinal surface and bacterial contents of root canals : An in vitro study
ThesisEfficiency of a precision system of root canal obturating material : In vivo and in vitro study
ThesisEfficiency of a precision system of root canal obturating material : In vivo and in vitro study