ThesisPrediction of preterm labor using clinical scoring, vaginal ultrasonography and maternal serum alpha - fetoprotein
ThesisPrediction of preterm labor using clinical scoring, vaginal ultrasonography and maternal serum alpha - fetoprotein
ThesisTransvaginal ultrasound assessment of cervical length and cervicovaginal fetal fibronectin as predictors of labour in patients with threatened preterm birth
ThesisTransvaginal ultrasound assessment of cervical length and cervicovaginal fetal fibronectin as predictors of labour in patients with threatened preterm birth
ThesisFirst trimester assessment of placental functions and the prediction of preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction
ThesisFirst trimester assessment of placental functions and the prediction of preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction
ThesisUltrasound assessment of cervical length in prolonged pregnancy : Prediction of spontaneous onset of labor and successful vaginal delivery in correlation with bishop score
ThesisUltrasound assessment of cervical length in prolonged pregnancy : Prediction of spontaneous onset of labor and successful vaginal delivery in correlation with bishop score
ThesisPrediction of uterine dehiscence by measuring lower uterine segment thickness by 3D transabdominal ultrasonography in patients with previous single cesarean section
ThesisPrediction of uterine dehiscence by measuring lower uterine segment thickness by 3D transabdominal ultrasonography in patients with previous single cesarean section
ThesisPrediction of failed labor induction in parous women at term in role of previous obstetric history, digital examination and sonographic measurement of cervical length
ThesisPrediction of failed labor induction in parous women at term in role of previous obstetric history, digital examination and sonographic measurement of cervical length
ThesisThe value of early pregnancy ultrasound parameters in the prediction of first trimester outcome
ThesisThe value of early pregnancy ultrasound parameters in the prediction of first trimester outcome