Background: The aim of this study is to early predict the failure of induction of labor by the use of past obstetric history, digital examination and vaginal sonography at term pregnancies and determining the value of these finding in reducing maternal and neonatal morbidity. Methods. This prospective study was conducted in Cairo University Hospital for Obstetric and Gynecology in labor room from October 2011 till March 2012 The number of patient involved in this study was 100 pregnant women. Type of study. Prospective observation study. Inclusion criteria Age (18-35) years; parity (All patient should be multiparas); gestational age (38-42) week gestation; Single fetus with cephalic presentation. Exclusion criteria: Non vertex presentation; intra uterine fetal death; previous uterine surgery for example: myomectomy; major fetal congenital anomalies as hydrocephalous; abnormal Non stress test or fetal distress; cephalopelvic disproportion; intra uterine growth retardation or macrosomia greater than 4kg; patient received any pre induction rippening methods for example: (Prostaglandins) before assessment. Results: Receiver operator characteristics curves were constructed for cervical length, Bishop score and SUM as predictors of failed labor induction we fond that Area under curve for: Cervical length was (0.985), P value (0.000). Bishop score was (0.930), P value (0.000) and for SUM was (0.923), P value (0.000). So we found that cervical length that measured by TVU is the best predictor for failure of labor induction than Bishop score nor SUM.In Conclusion: We found that Bishop Score, cervical length measured by TVS and SUM are good predictors of failure of induction of labor. Yet, cervical length measured by TVS seems to be a better predictor than Bishop score and SUM. Bishop score, though being a subjective method, should be considered in pre-induction assessment for all women. In our study, we added certain modification to the Bishop score, that proved to be of statistical significance in prediction of failure of induction of labor.