ThesisEchocardiographic characteristics in relation to systemic embolic events in infective endocarditis
ThesisEchocardiographic characteristics in relation to systemic embolic events in infective endocarditis
ThesisProspective evaluation of the determinants of hospital outcome of medical treatment of infective endocarditis
ThesisProspective evaluation of the determinants of hospital outcome of medical treatment of infective endocarditis
ThesisCardiorenal syndrome type 1 in acute decompensated heart failure: Incidence, clinical predictors and impact on in-hospital outcomes
ThesisCardiorenal syndrome type 1 in acute decompensated heart failure: Incidence, clinical predictors and impact on in-hospital outcomes
ThesisCharacteristics, management strategies and in-hospital outcome of patients with cardiac valve prostheses complicated with infective endocarditis or valve thrombosis
ThesisCharacteristics, management strategies and in-hospital outcome of patients with cardiac valve prostheses complicated with infective endocarditis or valve thrombosis
ThesisMimics of infective endocarditis patients' profiles and in-hospital outcomedata from Kasr Al-Aini infective endocarditis project
ThesisMimics of infective endocarditis patients' profiles and in-hospital outcomedata from Kasr Al-Aini infective endocarditis project