ThesisEvaluation of the effect oftemporomandibular joint bonyankylosis and relevant gaparthroplastyon auditory functions
ThesisEvaluation of the effect oftemporomandibular joint bonyankylosis and relevant gaparthroplastyon auditory functions
ThesisEffect of calcium phosphate on salivary immunoglobulin a and interleukin-6 in minor oral surgery
ThesisEffect of calcium phosphate on salivary immunoglobulin a and interleukin-6 in minor oral surgery
ThesisThe effect of intra-articular sustained releasedelivery systems of glucocorticoid on the outcome of temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis
ThesisThe effect of intra-articular sustained releasedelivery systems of glucocorticoid on the outcome of temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis
ThesisOutcome of arthroscopic lysis and lavage forinternalderangement of the temporomandibular joint : Clinical and MRI correlation
ThesisOutcome of arthroscopic lysis and lavage forinternalderangement of the temporomandibular joint : Clinical and MRI correlation
ThesisClinical and radiographic evaluation of arthroscopic lysis and lavage versus arthrocentesis for treatment of temporomandibular joint closed lock
ThesisClinical and radiographic evaluation of arthroscopic lysis and lavage versus arthrocentesis for treatment of temporomandibular joint closed lock
ThesisThe effect of temporomandibular jointarthrocentesis with and without intra-articularinjection of morphine on the synovial fluid levelof tumor necrosis factor alpha
ThesisThe effect of temporomandibular jointarthrocentesis with and without intra-articularinjection of morphine on the synovial fluid levelof tumor necrosis factor alpha
ThesisThe effect of combining corticosteroidsand hyaluronic acid followingtemporomandibular joint arthrocentesis: Clinical study
ThesisThe effect of combining corticosteroidsand hyaluronic acid followingtemporomandibular joint arthrocentesis: Clinical study
ThesisAssessment of implanted tissueengineered condylarosteocartilagenous graft : In-vitro and experimental study
ThesisAssessment of implanted tissueengineered condylarosteocartilagenous graft : In-vitro and experimental study