This study aims at evaluating the clinical response toarthrocentesis through the combination of corticosteroids and hyaluronic acidusing single needle technique. Twelve female patients were refractory toconservative treatment and were divided into 2 equal groups. In the studygroup, single needle arthrocentesis was performed followed by intraarticularinjection of hyaluronic acid and dexamethasone in a ratio of 1:1 (0.5mlDexamethasone: 0.5ml Hyalgan). In the control group, single needlearthrocentesis was performed followed by the injection of hyaluronic acidalone. Each patient was assessed in terms of inter-incisal opening (assisted andnon-assisted), lateral excursions and VAS for TMJ pain after 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12weeks.Results: There was a significant difference in the VAS in each groupalone in comparing between the results preoperatively and postoperatively.However, there was an insignificant difference between the two groups alongthe treatment period in all parameters.Conclusion: With the exception of significantly higher mean visualanalogue scale reduction at the 12 weeks postoperative period the evaluatedparameters in this study showed insignificant difference between two groupsthroughout the study intervals.