ThesisEffect of enamel and dentin irradiation by gamma rays on the bond strength of two adhesive restorations
ThesisEffect of enamel and dentin irradiation by gamma rays on the bond strength of two adhesive restorations
ThesisEffect of self-adhesive nanofilled coating on fluoride kinetics and surface topography of glass ionomer restorative materials
ThesisEffect of self-adhesive nanofilled coating on fluoride kinetics and surface topography of glass ionomer restorative materials
ThesisMicro-shear bond strength evaluation of a dental composite filling (using self-etch adhesive) bonded to demineralized dentin with and without remineralizing agent pretreatment: An in-vitro study
ThesisMicro-shear bond strength evaluation of a dental composite filling (using self-etch adhesive) bonded to demineralized dentin with and without remineralizing agent pretreatment: An in-vitro study
ThesisBond strength, cuspal deflection and fracture resistance of premolars restored with newly developed resin composite restorations
ThesisBond strength, cuspal deflection and fracture resistance of premolars restored with newly developed resin composite restorations
ThesisIn vitro study evaluating the micro-tensile bond strength of different restorative materials after treatment by chemo-mechanical agent
ThesisIn vitro study evaluating the micro-tensile bond strength of different restorative materials after treatment by chemo-mechanical agent
ThesisAn in vitro comparative study of shear bond strength and microleakage of two different restorative materials used in the restoration of primary teeth
ThesisAn in vitro comparative study of shear bond strength and microleakage of two different restorative materials used in the restoration of primary teeth
ThesisThe effect of light intensities, curing modes andthermocycling on tooth-restoration interface oftwo different resin composites
ThesisThe effect of light intensities, curing modes andthermocycling on tooth-restoration interface oftwo different resin composites
ThesisEffect of moisture contamination on bond strength of self-etching adhesive-resin modified glass ionomer complex to dentin
ThesisEffect of moisture contamination on bond strength of self-etching adhesive-resin modified glass ionomer complex to dentin