ArticleStrategic Development of Community Oral Traditions in the Management and Utilization of Fisheries Resources in the Maluku Islands
ArticleStrategic Development of Community Oral Traditions in the Management and Utilization of Fisheries Resources in the Maluku Islands
ArticleImpact of Using Traditional Octopus Fishing Gear on Bajo Fishermen in Kalumbatan Village, Banggai Islands Regency, Indonesia
ArticleImpact of Using Traditional Octopus Fishing Gear on Bajo Fishermen in Kalumbatan Village, Banggai Islands Regency, Indonesia
ArticleStatus of Sustainability Management of Tuna Fisheries Using An Ecosystem Approach In Morotai Island District, Indonesia
ArticleStatus of Sustainability Management of Tuna Fisheries Using An Ecosystem Approach In Morotai Island District, Indonesia
ArticleSustainable Fisheries Management of the Flying Fish (Decapterus spp.) with Rapfish Analysis in Pasongsongan Waters, East Java, Indonesia
ArticleSustainable Fisheries Management of the Flying Fish (Decapterus spp.) with Rapfish Analysis in Pasongsongan Waters, East Java, Indonesia
ArticleBubu Fishing Gear: A Study of Traditional Fishermen's Fishing Technology on Bangkurung Island, Banggai Laut Regency
ArticleBubu Fishing Gear: A Study of Traditional Fishermen's Fishing Technology on Bangkurung Island, Banggai Laut Regency
ArticleSustainability Analysis of the Grouper Fishing Based on the "Sasi" Local Wisdom on Ayau Island, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Using Multidimensional Scaling Analysis Approach
ArticleSustainability Analysis of the Grouper Fishing Based on the "Sasi" Local Wisdom on Ayau Island, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Using Multidimensional Scaling Analysis Approach
ArticleFishing gear allocation and catch landing of purse seine in southern coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia
ArticleFishing gear allocation and catch landing of purse seine in southern coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia
ArticleAnalysis of Maximum Sustainable Yield of the Small-Scale Grouper (Serranidae) in Banggai Laut Waters to Promote Indonesian Marine Conservation
ArticleAnalysis of Maximum Sustainable Yield of the Small-Scale Grouper (Serranidae) in Banggai Laut Waters to Promote Indonesian Marine Conservation