ArticleThe impact of Eco innovation Policy on Organizational Reputation: Evidence from Hotels and Travel Agencies
ArticleThe impact of Eco innovation Policy on Organizational Reputation: Evidence from Hotels and Travel Agencies
ArticleEnvironmental antecedents of food and beverage waste reduction using smart packaging technology: Insights from TOE framework
ArticleEnvironmental antecedents of food and beverage waste reduction using smart packaging technology: Insights from TOE framework
ArticleThe Role of Green Marketing in Improving the Hotel's Image and Enhancing Loyalty: from the Customer's Perspective
ArticleThe Role of Green Marketing in Improving the Hotel's Image and Enhancing Loyalty: from the Customer's Perspective
ArticleInternal Branding, Organizational Culture and Citizenship Behavior in Hotels and Travel Agencies: Green Perspective
ArticleInternal Branding, Organizational Culture and Citizenship Behavior in Hotels and Travel Agencies: Green Perspective
ArticleThe interplay between uncontrolled industrialization, ecotourism, fishery resources in Nigerian coastal areas: Eco-dynamic modelling approach
ArticleThe interplay between uncontrolled industrialization, ecotourism, fishery resources in Nigerian coastal areas: Eco-dynamic modelling approach
ArticleSustainable Management of the Green Economy and Its Role in Promoting Competitiveness with Egyptian Tourism Purposes الإدارة المستدامة للاقتصاد الأخضر ودورها في تعزيز التنافسية ب
ArticleSustainable Management of the Green Economy and Its Role in Promoting Competitiveness with Egyptian Tourism Purposes الإدارة المستدامة للاقتصاد الأخضر ودورها في تعزيز التنافسية ب
ArticleTowards a Strategic Vision for Sustainable Tourism Development: An Analytical Study of Behbeit El-Hagara Area in Gharbia Governorate
ArticleTowards a Strategic Vision for Sustainable Tourism Development: An Analytical Study of Behbeit El-Hagara Area in Gharbia Governorate
Articleالمسئولية المجتمعية ودورها في تعزيز الهوية المصرية لإستدامة السياحة: بالتطبيق على محافظة جنوب سيناء
Articleالمسئولية المجتمعية ودورها في تعزيز الهوية المصرية لإستدامة السياحة: بالتطبيق على محافظة جنوب سيناء
ArticleGreen Dynamic Capabilities and Green Creativity in Hospitality and Tourism Industry: The Moderating Role of Green Transformational Leadership
ArticleGreen Dynamic Capabilities and Green Creativity in Hospitality and Tourism Industry: The Moderating Role of Green Transformational Leadership