ArticleMaking short-segment posterior fixation more successful in treatment of unstable thoracolumbar fracture
ArticleMaking short-segment posterior fixation more successful in treatment of unstable thoracolumbar fracture
ArticleTranspedicular Screw Fixation for Degenerative Lumbar Spine Stenosis with Segmental Instability
ArticleTranspedicular Screw Fixation for Degenerative Lumbar Spine Stenosis with Segmental Instability
ArticleShort Segment with Index Vertebra Fixation versus Long Segment Fixation in the Management of Thoracolumbar Fractures
ArticleShort Segment with Index Vertebra Fixation versus Long Segment Fixation in the Management of Thoracolumbar Fractures
ArticleFeasibility of Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Fixation in The Treatment of Thoracolumbar Fractures
ArticleFeasibility of Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Fixation in The Treatment of Thoracolumbar Fractures
ArticleMinimally Invasive Percutaneous Transpedicular Screw Fixation of Acute Thoracolumbar Fractures
ArticleMinimally Invasive Percutaneous Transpedicular Screw Fixation of Acute Thoracolumbar Fractures