ArticleEvaluation of Vaginoscopic versus Traditional Office Hysteroscopy in Nulliparous Infertile Patients (prospective Cohort study)
ArticleEvaluation of Vaginoscopic versus Traditional Office Hysteroscopy in Nulliparous Infertile Patients (prospective Cohort study)
ArticleSafety and efficacy of Follicular Fluid Flushing of the Endometrial Cavity on outcomes of IVF/ICSI cycles in infertile Women: A systematic review and meta-analysis
ArticleSafety and efficacy of Follicular Fluid Flushing of the Endometrial Cavity on outcomes of IVF/ICSI cycles in infertile Women: A systematic review and meta-analysis
ArticleLaparoscopic or Vaginal Hysterectomy in Women With Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: A Critical Review of Literature
ArticleLaparoscopic or Vaginal Hysterectomy in Women With Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: A Critical Review of Literature
ArticleRole of transvaginal Ultrasound in assessment of Fallopian Tubes Patency using Hysterosalpingo-Foam Sonography (HyFoSy) in Infertile patients; A randomized controlled study compa
ArticleRole of transvaginal Ultrasound in assessment of Fallopian Tubes Patency using Hysterosalpingo-Foam Sonography (HyFoSy) in Infertile patients; A randomized controlled study compa
ArticleRoutine use of hysteroscopy before in-vitro fertilization: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
ArticleRoutine use of hysteroscopy before in-vitro fertilization: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
ArticleHysteroscopic Evaluation of Tubal Patency Using Bubble Sign in Comparison to Diagnostic Laparoscopy
ArticleHysteroscopic Evaluation of Tubal Patency Using Bubble Sign in Comparison to Diagnostic Laparoscopy
ArticleHystero-Laparoscopic Findings in Patients with Unexplained Infertility : A cross-Sectional Study
ArticleHystero-Laparoscopic Findings in Patients with Unexplained Infertility : A cross-Sectional Study
ThesisThe role of combined transvaginal sonography and diagnostic hysteroscopy in the assessment of tubal patency in infertile women in correlation to laparoscopic chromopertubation
ThesisThe role of combined transvaginal sonography and diagnostic hysteroscopy in the assessment of tubal patency in infertile women in correlation to laparoscopic chromopertubation
ArticleEfficacy and Safety of Ultrasound Guided versus Blind Technique for Office Insertion of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device in Women with Previous Cesarean Section; A Randomized Co
ArticleEfficacy and Safety of Ultrasound Guided versus Blind Technique for Office Insertion of Intrauterine Contraceptive Device in Women with Previous Cesarean Section; A Randomized Co