ArticleStructure Community of Phytoplankton as a Bioindicator of Water Quality in Situ Rawa Dongkal, East Jakarta, Indonesia
ArticleStructure Community of Phytoplankton as a Bioindicator of Water Quality in Situ Rawa Dongkal, East Jakarta, Indonesia
ArticleWater Quality Assessment of Irrigation and Drainage Systems on the Basis of Phytoplankton Analysis
ArticleWater Quality Assessment of Irrigation and Drainage Systems on the Basis of Phytoplankton Analysis
ArticleWater Quality of the Guayaquil Estero Salado from Measurements of Dissolved Oxygen, Chlorophyll a and pH
ArticleWater Quality of the Guayaquil Estero Salado from Measurements of Dissolved Oxygen, Chlorophyll a and pH
ArticleCommunity Structure Hydrophyte, Periphyton, and Water Quality Encircle Fish Cage Negara River South Kalimantan, Indonesia
ArticleCommunity Structure Hydrophyte, Periphyton, and Water Quality Encircle Fish Cage Negara River South Kalimantan, Indonesia
ArticleHistological studies of Selaroides leptolepis and Sardinella sp. kidneys as a biomarker of water pollution in Pasuruan Waters, Indonesia
ArticleHistological studies of Selaroides leptolepis and Sardinella sp. kidneys as a biomarker of water pollution in Pasuruan Waters, Indonesia
ArticleInvestigating Fish Composition and Diversity About Physicochemical Oceanographic Conditions Captured in the Cape Region, Bone Gulf, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
ArticleInvestigating Fish Composition and Diversity About Physicochemical Oceanographic Conditions Captured in the Cape Region, Bone Gulf, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
ArticleApplying an Integral Biological Index to Assess Water Quality in Freshwater Ecosystems: Ktiban Channel
ArticleApplying an Integral Biological Index to Assess Water Quality in Freshwater Ecosystems: Ktiban Channel
ArticleThe Influence of Water Quality on the Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of the Seagrass in Aceh Waters
ArticleThe Influence of Water Quality on the Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of the Seagrass in Aceh Waters