ArticleSize Frequency, Sustainability Index of the Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Landed in PPI Ujong Baroh, West Aceh, Indonesia
ArticleSize Frequency, Sustainability Index of the Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Landed in PPI Ujong Baroh, West Aceh, Indonesia
ArticleEvaluation of Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre 1788) Stocks in Ternate Waters, North Maluku – Indonesia, Based on Population Dynamics Studies
ArticleEvaluation of Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre 1788) Stocks in Ternate Waters, North Maluku – Indonesia, Based on Population Dynamics Studies
ArticleEstimation of population parameters and exploitation rate of the yellowfin tuna in West Morotai Island waters, Indonesia
ArticleEstimation of population parameters and exploitation rate of the yellowfin tuna in West Morotai Island waters, Indonesia
ArticleQuality of the Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Fishing on Small-Scale Fishers in Bone Bay, Indonesia
ArticleQuality of the Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Fishing on Small-Scale Fishers in Bone Bay, Indonesia
ArticleExamining Temporal Changes in Oceanographic Conditions and Their Impact on Seasonal Yellowfin Tuna Catch Trends in Palabuhanratu Bay Waters Toward Sustainable Fisheries Management
ArticleExamining Temporal Changes in Oceanographic Conditions and Their Impact on Seasonal Yellowfin Tuna Catch Trends in Palabuhanratu Bay Waters Toward Sustainable Fisheries Management
ArticleFishing gear allocation and catch landing of purse seine in southern coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia
ArticleFishing gear allocation and catch landing of purse seine in southern coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia
ArticleStatus of Sustainability Management of Tuna Fisheries Using An Ecosystem Approach In Morotai Island District, Indonesia
ArticleStatus of Sustainability Management of Tuna Fisheries Using An Ecosystem Approach In Morotai Island District, Indonesia
ArticleStock Study of the Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis, L., 1758) in Ternate Island, North Maluku Province, Indonesia
ArticleStock Study of the Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis, L., 1758) in Ternate Island, North Maluku Province, Indonesia
ArticleStatus of Sustainability of the Utilization of the Rabbitfish (Siganus canaliculatus) in the Seagrass Ecosystem of the West Coast of South Sulawesi
ArticleStatus of Sustainability of the Utilization of the Rabbitfish (Siganus canaliculatus) in the Seagrass Ecosystem of the West Coast of South Sulawesi