Articleاستقلالية جريمة غسل الأموال فى مصر بين الإطار الدولى والتطبيقات القضائية / الاكاديمية الوطنية لمكافحة الفساد
Articleاستقلالية جريمة غسل الأموال فى مصر بين الإطار الدولى والتطبيقات القضائية / الاكاديمية الوطنية لمكافحة الفساد
ArticleL’Indépendance du Crime de Blanchiment d’Argent en Égypte entre Le Cadre international et Les Applications judiciaires / L'Académie Égyptienne de Lutte Contre la Corruption
ArticleL’Indépendance du Crime de Blanchiment d’Argent en Égypte entre Le Cadre international et Les Applications judiciaires / L'Académie Égyptienne de Lutte Contre la Corruption
ArticleEgyptian Law and Protection of the People’s Money and Property / Egyptian Anti-Corruption Academy
ArticleEgyptian Law and Protection of the People’s Money and Property / Egyptian Anti-Corruption Academy
ArticleEgypt’s Comprehensive Legislative Measures Against Corruption / Egyptian Anti-Corruption Academy
ArticleEgypt’s Comprehensive Legislative Measures Against Corruption / Egyptian Anti-Corruption Academy
ArticlePublic Prosecution and National Committee Showcase : Effective Efforts Mechanism for Recovering Corruption Funds / Egyptian Anti-Corruption Academy
ArticlePublic Prosecution and National Committee Showcase : Effective Efforts Mechanism for Recovering Corruption Funds / Egyptian Anti-Corruption Academy
ArticleReading Egypt’s Strategy for Confronting the Most Dangerous Crime Worldwide / Egyptian Anti-Corruption Academy
ArticleReading Egypt’s Strategy for Confronting the Most Dangerous Crime Worldwide / Egyptian Anti-Corruption Academy