The new world economic conditions and increasing global competition have a great in impact on the way in which organizations producing goods or providing services. Accordingly, both academics and practitioners mentioned that several philosophies, approaches and techniques have been developed in order to help those organizations to face the previous mentioned challenges and to increase productivity, to reduce costs, to provide better customer service and also to sustain and to maintain customers loyalty. The latter became a critical aspect of business success, representing the degree to which customers consistently prefer a particular brand or company over its competitors. It is often measured through repeat purchases, customer referrals, and the willingness to pay a premium for a brand's products or services. On the other hand, those organizations are required to increase their market share and to sustain their competitiveness, to do so, they have implemented the Blue Ocean Strategy that helped them to create new market spaces (or "blue oceans") and making them able to cope with the turbulent environment surrounding them.
Therefore, the research presented here pursues to identifying the role of Blue Ocean Strategy in Boosting Customer Loyalty: Evidence from the Egyptian telecommunication companies.
The findings of this article indicated that Egyptian telecommunications companies believe that there is a significant relationship between the Blue Ocean Strategy and customer loyalty in Egyptian telecommunications companies represented by word of mouth, intension to repurchase, and insensitivity to prices.
Finally, valuable managerial implications have been drawn foe decision makers and takers in the Egyptian Telecommunications Sector to achieve more successful implementation of the Blue Ocean Strategy and sustaining & maintaining their customer loyalty.