The aim of the current study is to investigate the effectiveness of a program based on some e-learning platforms in developing oral communication skills (listening and speaking) among of the Faculty of Education Students. The study followed the quasi-experimental approach. The study sample consisted of 150 Participants studying English.They are randomly selected from first-the Faculty of Education Students at the faculty of education -Ain Shams University. All the participants ' native language is Arabic.
The sample was divided into two groups: the experimental group, which includes (75) students, and the control group, which also includes (75) students. The researcher prepared a list of the skills needed for each of the listening and speaking skills that are appropriate for the Faculty of Education .
Students.The skills were presented to a group of jury members to ensure their suitability for the same stage. The researcher applied a pre/post-test for each of the listening and speaking skills for the two groups to measure the students‟ performance before and after applying the program. The experimental group was taught using the program based on some e-learning platforms for twelve weeks, while the control group was taught using the traditional method. The results revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group and the control group in the post-test listening and speaking in favor of the experimental group. This shows the effectiveness of the program based on some e-learning platforms in developing the listening and speaking skills of the Faculty of Education Students. The study recommends adopting the use of e-learning platforms in developing English language skills for different academic levels and other English language skills.
e- learning platforms, oral communication skills, social constructivism
Last Name
Samy Hussein Ashry
كلية التربية جامعة عين شمس
كلية التربية جامعة عين شمس
كلية التربية جامعة عين شمس
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مجلة دراسات في المناهج وطرق التدريس
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The Effectiveness of Using the Activities of E- Learning Platforms Based Program on Enhancing the English Oral Communication Skills of the Faculty of Education Students in Light of the Social Constructivism Theory