Articleالأبعاد التعبيرية والجمالية للمعادل البصري في المحتوى الأدبي للفن المصري القديم كمصدر لإثراء التعبير فن الرسم
Articleالأبعاد التعبيرية والجمالية للمعادل البصري في المحتوى الأدبي للفن المصري القديم كمصدر لإثراء التعبير فن الرسم
ArticleA Design System to benefit from the impact of ancient Egyptian art on modern painters for innovating printed designs to enrich the Egyptian visual identity
ArticleA Design System to benefit from the impact of ancient Egyptian art on modern painters for innovating printed designs to enrich the Egyptian visual identity
ArticleMulti-Analytical Investigation on Roman Wall Paintings: The Case of Tuna El-Gabal Funerary Houses, Middle Egypt
ArticleMulti-Analytical Investigation on Roman Wall Paintings: The Case of Tuna El-Gabal Funerary Houses, Middle Egypt
ArticleEgyptian art and identity between heritage and contemporary An analytical study of the models of the ancient Egyptian visual and creative arts Through the plastic elements of ani
ArticleEgyptian art and identity between heritage and contemporary An analytical study of the models of the ancient Egyptian visual and creative arts Through the plastic elements of ani