" تعددت نماذج الخدمة الاجتماعية بصفة عامة وخدمة الجماعة بصفة خاصة، ولكن تميز نموذج التركيز على عضو الجماعة عن غيره بأنه مركز على العلاقة بين الأخصائي الاجتماعي والعضو واستخدام انسب الأساليب والتكتيكات العلاجية ويتعبر هذا النموذج من النماذج الحرة والتي يمكن استخدام أكثر من تكتيك وأكثر من أسلوب وأكثر من استراتيجية حتى يمكن تحقيق الأهداف المنشودة ".
The current study aimed to mitigate the electronic behavioral deviations among the pioneers through the following dimensions, based on a previous exploratory study, and they appeared in the following order: electronic violence, electronic academic fraud, and electronic impersonation. Professional intervention was implemented using the group member focus model. The results of the study agreed with the validity of the main hypothesis of the study, which is the existence of a statistically significant relationship between the model of focusing on the group member and the electronic behavioral deviations among the pioneers, as follows, where the third dimension, which is the impersonation of a false electronic identity, came in first place, and the first dimension came in second place, electronic violence. The second dimension came in last place, which is electronic academic fraud