Isolation process carried out from tomato plants in different locations shown a typical
leaf spot grown in commercial open fields grown in El-Minya Governorate. This process
revealed 10 isolates designated from Als1 to Als 10. In general, the tested isolates are able to
infect tomato plant genotype Syria 084 and the highest virulence one is Als 4. All tested
Alternaria isolates produced conidiospore contained about 3.9-5.2 cells (mean 4.6), length
120-151 µm (mean 131 µm) and 42.2-55.1 µm width (mean 51.0. µm). The length/width
ratio was ranged from 2.6 to 3.1 with mean 2.8. The measurements referred that the isolated
pathogen is typically A. alstroemeriae. This identification was confirmed by PCR as a
molecular identification.
Out of 7 tomato genotypes, Syria 084 shows high susceptible one followed by F1 023.
The highest resistant genotype was F1 K-186 followed by Sajda. The isolated A.
alstroemeriae can infect 3 plants belong to Family Solanaceae i.e. Solanum tuberosum
(potato cv. Pinto), Capsicum annuum (pepper cv Ropy King) and Solanum melongena
(eggplant cv Baldy Black). On the other hands, Datura stramonium was resistance toward the
fungus infection. Actymal 70% shows the highest inhibitory effect on the fungal growth
compared to Cure M 45 and Metrodex 80%. Also under field condition, it shows the highest
protection effect for tomato plant against A. alstroemeriae.