Even though foreign trade represents one of the most important sources of foreign currency in Egypt, the deficit in the trade balance increases when the increase in the value of imports is greater than the increase in the value of exports. Egypt is the second largest exporter of oranges in the world after Spain, as Egypt enjoys a large share of orange exports globally, amounting to about 18.47% on average during the period (2017-2021) of orange exports in the world, despite that, Egypt faces competition from producing countries. The other markets, especially in the most important markets in which Egyptian orange exports are advertence to the Russian market, the mainland market of China, the Saudi Arabia market, and the Dutch market. This paper aims to identify the competitive situation of Egypt's exports of oranges. The results of the study show that orange exports from Spain, Egypt, and South Africa represent about 56.65% of the average orange exports during the period (2017-2021), Egypt outperforms Spain and South Africa in increasing the acquisition of a larger share of Global production, as Spain and South Africa, are considered among most important competitors to Egypt in the most important markets to which Egypt exports oranges. However, the apparent comparative advantage index for Egypt shows the possibility of expanding orange exports worldwide in the future, as the results.