ArticleSome Remarks on the Philological Significance and Differentiation Between the Synthetic and Analytic Systems of the Ancient Egyptian Language
ArticleSome Remarks on the Philological Significance and Differentiation Between the Synthetic and Analytic Systems of the Ancient Egyptian Language
ArticleSome Remarks on the Temporal Significance of Verbs and Auxiliary Verbs in the Ancient Egyptian Sentence between the Synthetic and Analytic Systems "A Linguistic Study Applied to
ArticleSome Remarks on the Temporal Significance of Verbs and Auxiliary Verbs in the Ancient Egyptian Sentence between the Synthetic and Analytic Systems "A Linguistic Study Applied to
Articleدراسة تحليلية للمفعول فيه ودلالته في اللغة المصرية القديمة (من العصر القديم إلى العصر الوسيط) Syntheses Study and Semantic to the Accusative Object in Ancient Egyptian Languages.
Articleدراسة تحليلية للمفعول فيه ودلالته في اللغة المصرية القديمة (من العصر القديم إلى العصر الوسيط) Syntheses Study and Semantic to the Accusative Object in Ancient Egyptian Languages.