Highly significant differences were observed for the kernels and flour-Hunter b*values in the evaluated genotypes of 7 sweet corn, 8 field corn and 3 F1 field-sweet corn crosses. Flour yellowness index of F1 plants was between the mid-parent in the cross between inbred 2605-1288Y (yellow field corn “P16") and Country Gentleman cv. (white sweet corn “P19") and lower parent in the cross between inbred 82 (white field corn “P12") and (P19) but higher than the better-parent in cross between (P12) and Golden Bantam cv. (yellow sweet corn “P20"). HPLC results showed that F1 of field-sweet corn crosses significantly varied in α and β-carotene. F1 of (P12xP20) had the highest concentrations of zeaxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin when F1 of (P16xP19) and (P12xP9) accumulated much more α and β-carotene. The inheritance of yellowness index was studied in (P16xP19) and (P12xP20) crosses using the data of parents, F1, F2 and backcrosses populations. Non- and additive gene effects were significantly contributed to yellowness index with greater governing effects to the non-additive gene. A partial dominance towards the lower parent was involved in the inheritance of this trait and heritability estimates were relatively high in broad and narrow sense. However, there was non-significant correlation between the grain color and β-carotene, polymorphisms of lcyE among genotypes had significant differences either for α- or β-branch carotenoids. The two F1 field-sweet corn crosses; (P12xP9) and (P16xP19) which showed high β-carotene content got amplification of lcyE. The obtained results are a step to produce more adapted and healthier sweet corn in Egypt.