تناقش ورقة العمل موضوع رؤي مستقبلية في التربية الوالدية للطفل العربي في ضوء تأثير متغيرات التحول الرقمي من خلال المحاور التالية :
أولاً: التربية المستقبلية الشمولية ومقوماتها في مجتمع المعلومات information society .
ثانياً: ماهية التربية الوالدية ومجتمع المعرفة parenting education.
ثالثاً: النظريات الحديثة المفسرة للتربية الوالدية للطفل العربي .
رابعاً: مكانة التربية الوالدية للطفل العربي في آراء المفكرين المسلمين .
خامساً: أساليب التربية الوالدية التي يتبعها الوالدين في تربية أطفالهم في ضوء تأثير
متغيرات التحول الرقمي digital transformation variables .
سادساً: التطورات التكنولوجية والتربوية للتربية الوالدية في ضوء متغيرات التحول الرقمي (الموبايل – الأيباد – التابلت وغيرها) .digital transformation variables
سابعاً: الوسائط التربوية التي تؤثر على تربية الطفل العربي في ضوء متغيرات التحول
الرقمي .
ثامناً: المعوقات التي تعوق تحقيق التربية الوالدية للطفل العربي .
تاسعاً: كيفية التغلب على هذه المعوقات برؤى مستقبلية حديثة للتربية الوالدية.
وتحاول ورقة العمل من خلال مناقشة عرض ما تضمنته من بعض القضايا التربوية المعاصرة والهامة للتوصل الي رؤي مستقبلية متطورة لدي المسؤولين عن تربية الطفولة المبكرة
The world is passing through a distinctive and advanced historical stage. This phase is represented in the contemporary global variables that we are witnessing and witnessed by the rest of the planet's population with the multiplicity of their nationalities and their social, ethnic and religious affiliations represented in the digital variables. The traditional education style is matched by other problems in the total dependence on electronic education for parenting the Arab child, as modern technology means contribute to improving the educational process, achieving its goals and raising its level, but it does not substitute for traditional education and the presence of teachers in the halls in the classroom and the visits of parents to their children, With the passage of time, scientific experiments and research began to reveal the difficulties facing the application of e-learning, and the lack of social interaction.
Parents before they were parents were young children, and then they may follow the same methods that their parents followed with them following the example of these fathers and grandparents, and thus parenting education in the field of raising children should develop in light of the impact of the variables of digital transformation, as it is the concern of many interested in raising The Arab child has a culture of parenting education because it is not clear in the educational work activities in kindergartens in light of the variables of digital transformation, and the philosophy of parenting education must be clarified in light of the impact of the variables of digital transformation and how to apply this modern philosophy in kindergartens.
The working paper discusses the topic of future visions in parenting education for the Arab child in light of the impact of digital transformation variables through the following axes:
First: holistic future education and its components in the information society.
Second: What is parenting education and a knowledge society.
Third: Modern theories explaining the parenting of the Arab child.
Fourth: The place of parenting of the Arab child in the views of Muslim thinkers.
Fifth: Parental education methods that parents use in raising their children in light of the impact of digital transformation variables.
Sixth: Technological and educational developments in light of the variables of digital transformation (mobile - iPad - tablet and others).
Seventh: Educational media that affect the upbringing of the Arab child in light of the variables of digital transformation.
Eighth: The obstacles that hinder the achievement of the parenting education of the Arab child.
Ninth: How to overcome these obstacles with modern visions for the future of parenting education.
The working paper aims to discuss the presentation of what it contained of some contemporary and important educational issues in order to reach future visions in parenting education for the Arab child in light of the impact of digital transformation variables, analyze the most important modern philosophical theories related to parenting education and its various dimensions, and clarify the conceptual framework for parenting the Arab child in light of the influence of variables Digital transformation, revealing the current reality of true parenting for the Arab child, identifying methods of parenting the Arab child in light of the digital transformation, identifying the obstacles that hinder the achievement of parenting education for the Arab child, and how to overcome them.
The working paper is concerned with helping parents build the personality of the Arab child and raising him in a framework of inclusion and balance, and for parents to be an example of correct parenting education for children, helping children and training them on how to think correctly, and working on raising and forming a generation of children in a healthy way in light of the impact of the variables of digital transformation And helping kindergarten teachers to become familiar with the educational methods that work to achieve balanced family planning, whether that relates to parenting methods for the child, and correct parenting patterns in regulating the reproductive process and so on, and working to prevent cruelty and violence in dealing with children by both parents and teachers, and those responsible for their upbringing