ArticleThe Effectiveness of a Semantic-Web Based Program in Developing Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Performance-Based Assessment
ArticleThe Effectiveness of a Semantic-Web Based Program in Developing Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Performance-Based Assessment
ArticleDeveloping EFL Preparatory Schoolteachers’ Pedagogical Skills and Attitudes through an Online Teacher Training Program
ArticleDeveloping EFL Preparatory Schoolteachers’ Pedagogical Skills and Attitudes through an Online Teacher Training Program
ArticleAn Online Teacher Training Program for Developing in-service EFL Preparatory School Teachers’ Language Skills
ArticleAn Online Teacher Training Program for Developing in-service EFL Preparatory School Teachers’ Language Skills
ArticleA Semantic Web Based Program for Developing Some of Teaching Performance of EFL Pre-service Teachers in the Light of the Requirements of Academic Accreditation
ArticleA Semantic Web Based Program for Developing Some of Teaching Performance of EFL Pre-service Teachers in the Light of the Requirements of Academic Accreditation
ArticleA program based on reflective teaching for developing student-teachers’ competency and their pupils achievements
ArticleA program based on reflective teaching for developing student-teachers’ competency and their pupils achievements
Articleبرنامج إلکتروني قائم على التعليم المدمج لتنمية قدرات المعلمين بالمرحلة الثانوية على استخدام المستحدثات التکنولوجية
Articleبرنامج إلکتروني قائم على التعليم المدمج لتنمية قدرات المعلمين بالمرحلة الثانوية على استخدام المستحدثات التکنولوجية
ArticleUsing a web project-based learning program to develop Faculty of Education EFL students’ life skills
ArticleUsing a web project-based learning program to develop Faculty of Education EFL students’ life skills
ArticleUtilisation des plateformes d’apprentissage électroniques pour développer les compétences professionnelles en français auprès des futurs enseignants
ArticleUtilisation des plateformes d’apprentissage électroniques pour développer les compétences professionnelles en français auprès des futurs enseignants