____________ ABSTRACT
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----------------- This study aims at investigating the most proper strategy to be selected and pursued in translating legal texts and terms especially Islamic Shari'ah terms, which are related to family affairs into English. Whereas the translator has to make a decision based on specific factors instancing the background of the readership, the aim of the target text, the massage of the source text along with the client's purpose as to the translating the source text. The question whether the foreignisation and domestication strategies are applicable in translating English legal texts, and if so, which one is the most appropriate in this context thoroughly motivated this study. The instances provided as well as the points of discussion have scrutinized this issue in the context of a specific translation brief. Although it is hard, as I concluded from this research paper, to adhere to one strategy and follow thereof recklessly, but it is inevitable to pursue foreignisation strategy in translating legal and Islamic Shari'ah terms to preserve the peculiarities, uniqueness and specificity of that term.
Translating Legal Texts &