The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the Higher Education system in that online and blended learning has become a fundamental demand of the whole world. Accordingly, education has a primary mission in Higher Education, which is increasingly depending on information technology leading to its continuous proliferation and development. The present study not only aims to investigate learners' perceptions of the use and benefits of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in blended courses as well as their relationships with learners' academic success and achievement, but also to identify the factors for the effective and efficient use of electronic resources in classes. It also aims to compare the impact of ICT- based and conventional methods of instruction on undergraduate learners' perceptions and academic achievement. The Constructivism theory as well as the Uses and Gratification theory enabled the researcher to examine the way how learners feel satisfied with and motivated by the use of different types of media in a sustainable learning environment. A survey as well as interviews were administered in order to evaluate the acceptance and use of various ICT tools in a blended course. Not only have the data been analyzed using standard statistical techniques, but also a correlation analysis was implemented in order to examine the degree of association between the use of ICT tools and students' academic achievement. Results have shown a positive correlation between the integration of ICT tools in the blended course and learners' academic achievement.
Blended learning, Constructivism, Digital learning, ICT Tools, Sustainable Development
College of Language and Communication
Arab Academy for Science, Technology
and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt
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مجلة کلية الأداب - جامعة حلوان
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The Impact of ICT Tools on Students’ Perceptions and Achievement in a Sustainable Higher Education Environment