Articleتوظيف الرسوم المتحركة في تنمية الوعي بالتغذية الصحية السليمة لأطفال ما قبل المدرسة Employing Animation to Develop Healthy Nutrition Awareness for Pre-School Children
Articleتوظيف الرسوم المتحركة في تنمية الوعي بالتغذية الصحية السليمة لأطفال ما قبل المدرسة Employing Animation to Develop Healthy Nutrition Awareness for Pre-School Children
ArticleEmploying Two-Dimensional Animated Advertising to Achieve Community Awareness on Social Media Using Adobe Animate Program
ArticleEmploying Two-Dimensional Animated Advertising to Achieve Community Awareness on Social Media Using Adobe Animate Program
ArticleThe Impact of Infographic Design Creativity Techniques on Advertisement Appeal for Health Awareness; a Case Study of the Saudi Ministry of Health's Awareness Competition
ArticleThe Impact of Infographic Design Creativity Techniques on Advertisement Appeal for Health Awareness; a Case Study of the Saudi Ministry of Health's Awareness Competition
ArticleThe impact of mobile and static info-graphic advertising in addressing Covid-19 virus crisis in increasing awareness among different populations
ArticleThe impact of mobile and static info-graphic advertising in addressing Covid-19 virus crisis in increasing awareness among different populations
ArticleThe Effectiveness of Producing Animated Images Using Artificial Intelligence Applications and their Impact on Designing Advertising to Raise Awareness of the Dangers of Climate C
ArticleThe Effectiveness of Producing Animated Images Using Artificial Intelligence Applications and their Impact on Designing Advertising to Raise Awareness of the Dangers of Climate C