Purpose: Human Resource Management is concerned with the human wealth of an organization. HRM plays an important role in achieving organization's objectives through hiring, selecting, utilizing, developing, retaining and motivating highly qualified human resources as well as developing and implementing policies, procedures and processes for efficient and effective operations. Aim: The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between Person-Job Fit and Person-Organization Fit and their impact on employee performance in the Information Technology sector. Additionally, this study intends to understand how the perceived fit affects employees' performance. This study examines the linkages based on Person-Environment Fit theory. The research uses a case study approach to fulfill the research purpose. The research applies this method in the Information Technology sector in Egypt, which plays an important role in boosting the national economy.
Hypothesis: This study hypothesizes that workers with a perceived person-job fit and person- organization fit will also have high job performance, job satisfaction, and a lower inclination to leave their workplace.
Design/Methodology: The questionnaire was developed and randomly distributed through emails for the purpose of capturing the views of a large number of respondents working in the IT industry in Cairo. The target companies have approximately 2,500 employees, and the sample size was about 333, using a quantitative research approach. Data were gathered and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
Main results: The results show that Person-Job Fit and Person-Organization Fit have a significantly positive impact on Employee Performance. Additionally, the results indicate that start-up employees with a perception of Person-Job and Person-Organization Fit also experience job satisfaction and a lower turnover intention. Therefore, this research's findings align with results from previous studies.