ArticleThe Conceptualization of Rape in Modern English Novels: Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, and Naomi Alderman's The Power
ArticleThe Conceptualization of Rape in Modern English Novels: Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, and Naomi Alderman's The Power
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ArticleNarrative Representation of War Diaspora in selected works by male and female Ethnic American writers: A Gynocritical Study
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ArticleA Psycho Feminist Reading of the Alpha Female and the Femme Fatale in the Selected Works of August Strindberg, Veronica Roth and Gillian Flynn
ArticleA Psycho Feminist Reading of the Alpha Female and the Femme Fatale in the Selected Works of August Strindberg, Veronica Roth and Gillian Flynn
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Articleأنساق العنف في المتخيل الروائي ، قراءة ثقافية في "تلك البهجة" و"لعبة القدر" د/ شريف صالح عبده صالح