This paper discusses trauma theory; its definition, history, and the relationship between trauma theory and literary criticism. This is done through offering a literary review for the various definitions proposed for trauma, outlining the different aspects and prospective to which the theory has been regarded. Also, the various theories and concepts attached to trauma are discussed. The study aimed at representing how traumatic experiences can affect, negatively, the victims' life. It clarifies the psychological and physical effects of sexual child abuse. It also sheds light on the role literature and literary works play in the healing and treatment process. To achieve this, this paper offers various definitions proposed to trauma theory, starting from the earliest attempts to define the term, through Sigmund Freud's contributions to the field, and, leading, eventually, to the most recently proposed definition of the term. In addition, the paper clarifies the impacts of being subjected to sexual abuse during childhood. Furthermore, it sheds light on the common writing techniques of traumatic narratives. Finally, it discusses scriptotherapy and how it can be a healing tool for both, the author and the reader.