Article“The Genie Must Remain in the Bottle”: Locating the Tradition of “True” Womanhood in Colonial and Early National American Fiction
Article“The Genie Must Remain in the Bottle”: Locating the Tradition of “True” Womanhood in Colonial and Early National American Fiction
ArticleThe American Soft Power between Cultural Reconciliation and Identity Obliteration in Multiethnic-Oriented Novels
ArticleThe American Soft Power between Cultural Reconciliation and Identity Obliteration in Multiethnic-Oriented Novels
ArticleReversed Scales and Self Rebellion in Nawal El Saadawi’s Woman at Point Zero: A Third Wave Feminist Study
ArticleReversed Scales and Self Rebellion in Nawal El Saadawi’s Woman at Point Zero: A Third Wave Feminist Study
Articleالأنساق الثقافية المضمرة وتحدي ات الأدب النسوي في المجتمعات العربية مواجهة الذات في ديوان (مرة حلمت) لمريم خليفة أنموذجا
Articleالأنساق الثقافية المضمرة وتحدي ات الأدب النسوي في المجتمعات العربية مواجهة الذات في ديوان (مرة حلمت) لمريم خليفة أنموذجا
ArticleNarrative Representation of War Diaspora in selected works by male and female Ethnic American writers: A Gynocritical Study
ArticleNarrative Representation of War Diaspora in selected works by male and female Ethnic American writers: A Gynocritical Study