The aim of the present study 1s to investigate the effect of hypohposphataemia on buffaloes excessively feed on Trifolium Alexandrium(Barseem)during the green season in Egyptian village on the Electrophoretic patten of serum proteins, Immunoglobulin G (IgG), some enzymes, minerals and Electrocardiocgrap (ECG) with trials for faster line of treatment. Blood samples were collected from 10 clinically healthy buffaloes considered as control group and 24 buffaloes showing signs of pica, preferring dry feeds and loss of appetite, ten of them urinated reddish-coffi coloured urine ( haemoglobinuria) which was the main clinical hypohosphatemic group (CHP); the others 14 voided normal colored urine which considered as subclinical hypophosphatemic group (SCHP). The biochemical serum analysis revealed that, The hypohosphatemia accompanied by a marked decrease in total proteins , Albumin, A/G ratio , Alkaline phosphatase (ALP); ceruloplasmin (Cer); Copper; Iron, Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC), and inorganic phosphorous (Pi). levels. This decrease was followed by significant increases in total globulins, gamma globulin. Immunoglobulin G (IgG), Acid phosphatase(ACP) and Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). While the levels of Alpha globulin, Beta globulin, Zinc, Calcium and Magnesium showed no significant changes. The heamatological studies revealed a decrease in total Erythrocytes count (RBCs), Haemoglobin (Hb) concentration and Packed Cell Volume (PCV) > while the total leukocytes (WBCS) count was significantly increased The ECG of SCHP showed normal trace while that of CHP demonestrated normal P wave. large amplitude of QRS complex and large T wave Both groups treated according to the severity of The case by different amounts and routs of Phosphate supplementation. the complicated cases were completely cured after blood transfusion.