Twenty-six nasal and oropharyngeal swabs and 26 serum samples were collected from fay buffalos' calves in a herd at Ismailia Governorate suffering from paeumoenentis with no response to antibiotic treatment They were submitted to laboratory' diagnosis using
Isolation method including different subcultures on Mycoplasma culture media and according to certain culture procedure then genus determination was made, bio-chemical characterization was applied and serological identification was performed using growth inhibition test (GIT)
Immunoperoxidase test method was applied. Using the isolation method, it was found that out of 26 nasal and oropharyngeal swabs 13 Mycoplasma species were isolated, 4 were antigenically related to M. bovirhinis, 2 were M. bovigenitalium, 2 were A. modicum and 5 were A. laidlawii. Immunoperoxidase test was applied on the isolated mycoplasmas agar blocks, and gave the same results as the identification using GIT.
It was concluded that immunoperoxidase test is rapid, it needs 2 hours after the preparation of 48 hours' culture's agar block, while the isolation method is time consuming, it needs 12 days at least. The immunoperoxidase test is also more Sensitive and accurate It 1s able to detect the antibodies in every Mycoplasma positive cases while in case of the isolation method some Mycoplasma having fastidious growth or due to some inhibitory factors are missed in the diagnosis.