Objectives: To determine the impact of COVID-19 vac-cine on semen parameters in an Egyptian population sam-ple of previously proved fertile males.
Design: Prospective observational research.
Patients and methods: The study was conducted on 30 males proved to have normal semen parameters, on list of ICSI due to female factors of infertility, and received the two doses of mRNA COVID vaccine. Following the sec-ond dose of the vaccine, two samples of semen were ob-tained from all the subjects under the study, after 3 months and 6 months respectively . Parameters of sperm quality were examined. All semen specimens were tested through-out conformance with WHO sperm assessment guidance.
Results: The participants average age was (38.13 ± 5.27); at different period of follow up (at baseline, after 3 months and after 6 months). There was no significant difference in sperm volume among variables after 3 and 6 months (p3= 0.118). There was a significant difference in the sperm concentra-tion between the base line and after 3 months (p1= 0.003); there was no significant difference in sperm concentration between base line and after 6 months (p2= 0.211). There was a significant difference in sperm count among variables after 3 and 6 months (p3= 0.005).
There was a significant difference in sperm progressive mo-tility (%) between base line and after 3 months (p1= 0.007). There was no significant difference in sperm morphology (percentage) between variables after 3 and 6 months (p3= 0.096). There was significant difference in sperm DNA frag-mentation (%) between base line and after 3 months (p1= 0.011). There was no significant difference in non –sperm cells /ml among variables after 3 and 6 months (p3= 0.186).
Conclusion: The sperm count and concentration, sperm motility were decreased 3 months post vaccination and re-turn to average 6 months post vaccination. The sperm DNA fragmentation index is raised beyond limits 3 months post vaccination and return to normal limits 6 months post vacci-nation. The effect of mRNA vaccine on semen parameters is transient and reversible . The criteria of the sperm after ob-taining the vaccine of COVID-19 were mostly within normal range intervals. The findings support the notion that COVID-19 vaccine is free from risk.