Development is the goal to which all advanced and backward societies alike aspire. Development is a process of progressive change planned for the comprehensive advancement of various aspects of life economically, socially, culturally and environmentally, upon which rural society is based on a democratic approach and with the cooperation of government aid in it, achieving integration of aspects of advancement Redrawing the population map to ensure achieving the optimal direction to benefit from the available human energies and resources available in different geographical regions.
This is why the Egyptian Villages Development Project appeared, which comes within the Decent Life Initiative, which began in 2019 and aims for urgent intervention to improve the quality of life for the citizens of the Egyptian countryside by developing 4,584 villages, representing 58% of the total population of the Republic. The project seeks to provide an integrated package of services that includes utility and infrastructure services. Achieving economic development and providing job opportunities through establishing industrial complexes, vocational rehabilitation, and providing projects with economic returns, in addition to social interventions, providing decent housing, eradicating illiteracy, education, and awareness and cultural campaigns. Therefore, the development will extend to all services within the villages.
The goals of a decent life are centered towards achieving comprehensive development, which has a direct and profound impact on rural citizens who suffer from social and economic fragility and poverty by empowering them by taking advantage of available and future opportunities to overcome challenges. Thus, the significant relationship between economic empowerment and social justice is demonstrated by benefiting from available opportunities: There are many studies that have addressed economic empowerment and its importance, as the studyeis indicates We must move towards empowering rural citizens to combat hunger and achieve food security, and the need to develop their capabilities by ensuring equal access and benefit opportunities. Economic empowerment aims to increase the volume of men and women's participation in the labor market and the extent to which they benefit from the returns of participation in development, as one of the features of social justice in the Decent Life Initiative Fair distribution of the gains of economic reform and economic empowerment
Hence, the research attempts to identify available and future opportunities through the Presidential Initiative, A Decent Life, to develop the villages of the Egyptian countryside to reach economic empowerment of rural citizens, overcome challenges, and crown their efforts by clarifying the importance of empowering them economically to achieve many of the goals of the 2030 sustainable development goals.
The research reached a number of results, namely that 21.25% of the respondents indicated that there is an opportunity to build decent housing, and 18.75% indicated that there is a job opportunity in industrial complexes or agricultural projects to increase income, and 12.5% indicated that there are opportunities to provide small projects, and 56.25% indicated that there are The opportunity to obtain a solidarity and dignity pension. 21.25% indicated that there is an opportunity to provide a marketing outlet for buying and selling, and 18.53% indicated that there is an opportunity for training in professions and handicrafts. While 18.53% indicated that it exists, 17.07% indicated that there is an opportunity to obtain decent work, as well as the opportunity to have sanitation. 26.34% indicated that it exists and the opportunity to strengthen the electrical current. 25.58% indicated that it exists and the opportunity to provide new schools. 72.19% indicated that it exists, while 15.60 indicated that it exists. % Opportunity to provide drinking water indicated its presence at a rate of 46.34%. Opportunity for health services indicated its presence at a rate of 58.04%. Which means low rates of presence of...the above, which necessitates the need for intervention to work to provide these services through decent living projects in order to achieve greater rates.