ArticleParents’ Perception of Protective Method Regarding the Risks of Mobile Applications Used by their Adolescent Children
ArticleParents’ Perception of Protective Method Regarding the Risks of Mobile Applications Used by their Adolescent Children
ArticleKnowledge and Reported Practices of Mothers about Smart Phone Addiction among their School-Age Children
ArticleKnowledge and Reported Practices of Mothers about Smart Phone Addiction among their School-Age Children
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Articleمتطلبات تطبيق الممارسة المرتکزة على تطبيقات الهواتف الذکية في مجال رعاية الأطفال المعرضين للخطر Requirements for implementing a smartphone application-based practice in the care o
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ArticleSmartphone App Based Preventive Program for Mothers regarding Chemical Substance Injuries among their Children
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