Thirty five samples (Ten samples of cream cake and twenty five samples of Jatooh) were randomly collected from dairy shops, supermarkets and confectionaries at Cairo governorate, Egypt. Collected samples were subjected to microbiological examination, obtained results proved that, the cream cake samples were contaminated with high numbers of total aerobic
plate count, coliforms, total staphylococci, S. aureus, yeast and mold with mean values of 40×104± 19×104, 3×102± 1×102, 20×104± 10×104, 35×103± 14×103, 64×103± 27×103 and 44×103± 21×103 CFU/g, respectively. While, in Jatooh samples the counts were 60×104± 24×104 CFU/g, 7×102± 4×102 MPN/g, 8×104± 4×104, 55×103± 19×103, 53×104± 27×104 and 36×104± 11×104 CFU/g, respectively. Also E. coli was isolated from only 2 samples of Jatooh (8%), but could not be detected in any cream cake samples. Performed chemical examination aimed to investigate the presence of inhibitory substances by using HPLC in cream cake samples. The results revealed that, the sorbic acid and benzoic acid could not be detected in any of examined cream cake samples. Fatty acids profile of cream cake samples were assessed by using gas chromatography. The results revealed that, the mean value of saturated fatty acids was 80.71%± 1.5%. The predominant saturated fatty acid was Lauric acid (C12:0) in the examined cream cake samples. The mean value of monounsaturated fatty acids (Palmitoleic acid and Oleic acid) and polyunsaturated fatty acids were 15.70%± 2.42% and 6.311%± 0.6%,
respectively. Its worthy mentioned that all cream cake samples contained Trans fatty acid (Vaccenic acid) in percentage of 1.17%± 0.05