A total of 148 dogs less than six month of age suffering from diarrhea were examined by viral, bacterial and parasitological methods to detect the infectious cause of diarrhea. Viral causes were detected in (75.7%), bacterial causes were detected in (30.9%), parasitic causes in (41.9%) and mixed infection in (39.7%) and 8.1% proved to be negative to all of the applied
tests. Distribution of mixed infection among dogs showed that, the prevalence of viral and parasitic co-infection is the highest prevalence of mixed infection (13.9%) followed by viral and bacterial causes (13.2%). Presence of different causes of diarrhea in different age groups of dogs was studied. Dogs in the study were divided into two groups. The first group aged
from one day till three months and the second group aged from three to six month. Highest prevalence % of viral infection was in dogs from 0-3 month (77.7%) than in dogs from 3-6 months (22.3%) and this difference was significant. The prevalence of infectious diarrhea in different sexes were studied and showed that, the highest prevalence of viral infection was in males (60.2%) than in females (39.8%) and this difference was significant. There was insignificant effect of season on the prevalence of infectious causes of diarrhea. Regarding breed susceptibility, Cockaigne, pit bull, German shepherd and Rottweiler showed the highest prevalence of CPV infection. There was insignificant effect of breeds of dogs on the
prevalence of different infectious causes of diarrhea. The effect of different managemental factors was studied including feeding, housing, vaccination and deworming of the examined cases. The study showed that, the least prevalence of diarrhea in dogs feeding dry food. There is no impact for housing of dogs indoor and outdoor. Vaccination with Vanguard® had a significant effect in protection against viral diarrhea. Prophylactic deworming shows highly significant effect in the protection against parasitic infection. A trial of treatment was done using supportive and specific therapy for diarrheic dogs. The results showed that, the highest recovery rate detected in cases of diarrhea caused by parasitic i et el nfection (90.4%) and the lowest one was in cases caused by co-infection of viral, bacterial and parasitic infection (33.3%).