ArticleLower cost, increased transparency, and real-time monitoring : Utilizing technology to ensure the success of national endeavors in combating corruption
ArticleLower cost, increased transparency, and real-time monitoring : Utilizing technology to ensure the success of national endeavors in combating corruption
ArticleAvec un coût minimal et une transparence élevée : La Technologie garantit le succès des efforts nationaux de Lutte contre la Corruption et un suivi instantané
ArticleAvec un coût minimal et une transparence élevée : La Technologie garantit le succès des efforts nationaux de Lutte contre la Corruption et un suivi instantané
ArticleA proposed Framework for Integrating XBRL and Blockchain to Improve Financial Reporting Transparency and Integrity: XBRL Chain
ArticleA proposed Framework for Integrating XBRL and Blockchain to Improve Financial Reporting Transparency and Integrity: XBRL Chain
Articleأقل تكلفة .. وأكثر شفافية.. وتضمن المتابعة اللحظية : التكنولوجيا وضمان نجاح الجهود الوطنية فى مكافحة الفساد
Articleأقل تكلفة .. وأكثر شفافية.. وتضمن المتابعة اللحظية : التكنولوجيا وضمان نجاح الجهود الوطنية فى مكافحة الفساد
ArticleTransparency As a Technique to Support the Aims Of The National Strategy for fighting Corruption (2019-2022) In Egyptian Governmental Institutions
ArticleTransparency As a Technique to Support the Aims Of The National Strategy for fighting Corruption (2019-2022) In Egyptian Governmental Institutions