ArticleSelf-Esteem as a Mediator Between Passion and Academic Perfectionism for Postgraduate Students
ArticleSelf-Esteem as a Mediator Between Passion and Academic Perfectionism for Postgraduate Students
ArticlePsychological Flexibility, Mindfulness and Perceived Social Support as Predictors of Psychological Symptoms among Nursing Faculty Students at Mansoura University
ArticlePsychological Flexibility, Mindfulness and Perceived Social Support as Predictors of Psychological Symptoms among Nursing Faculty Students at Mansoura University
ArticleRelation Between Maladaptive Metacognitive Beliefs and Burden in Caregivers of Psychiatric Patients: Role of Resilience as a Moderator and Rumination as a Mediator
ArticleRelation Between Maladaptive Metacognitive Beliefs and Burden in Caregivers of Psychiatric Patients: Role of Resilience as a Moderator and Rumination as a Mediator
ArticleMediation Role of Psychological Resilience on The Relationship between Perfectionism and Marital Adjustment Among Undergraduate Nursing Students
ArticleMediation Role of Psychological Resilience on The Relationship between Perfectionism and Marital Adjustment Among Undergraduate Nursing Students
ArticleThe Mediation Role of Peer Effects, Test Anxiety and Academic Motivation in Relationship Between Intelligence and Self Efficacy Among University Students
ArticleThe Mediation Role of Peer Effects, Test Anxiety and Academic Motivation in Relationship Between Intelligence and Self Efficacy Among University Students
ArticleMetacognitive Ability and Academic Self-Efficacy: Their Relations to Role Transition as Perceived by Nursing students
ArticleMetacognitive Ability and Academic Self-Efficacy: Their Relations to Role Transition as Perceived by Nursing students
Articleالكمالية الأكاديمية وعلاقتها باحتمالية الانتحار لدي عينة من طلاب الجامعة المتفوقين دراسيًّا والعاديين «دراسة ارتباطية مقارنة» Academic perfectionism and its relationship of suici
Articleالكمالية الأكاديمية وعلاقتها باحتمالية الانتحار لدي عينة من طلاب الجامعة المتفوقين دراسيًّا والعاديين «دراسة ارتباطية مقارنة» Academic perfectionism and its relationship of suici
Articleالدور الوسيط للدافعية الأكاديمية الذاتية في العلاقة بين الرفاهية النفسية والصمود الأكاديمي لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية The Mediating Role of Intrinsic Academic Motivation in the Re
Articleالدور الوسيط للدافعية الأكاديمية الذاتية في العلاقة بين الرفاهية النفسية والصمود الأكاديمي لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية The Mediating Role of Intrinsic Academic Motivation in the Re
Articleأنماط الکمالية الأکاديمية المميزة لطلاب الجامعة وعلاقتها بکل من: الاحتراق والصمود والتحصيل الأکاديمي
Articleأنماط الکمالية الأکاديمية المميزة لطلاب الجامعة وعلاقتها بکل من: الاحتراق والصمود والتحصيل الأکاديمي