A total of 220 random samples of meat products include (70 manu factured raw minced meat, 50 sausage, 50 luncheon and 50 Pasterma) were examined for enumeration and isolation of Bacillus cereus. The mean values of B. cereus count per gram in minced meat, sausage, luncheon and pasterma were 2X10", 1X10°, 6X10° and 4X10' respectively, on the other hand B. cereus could be detected
with varying percentage of meat products in minced meat 74.3%, in sausage 56%, in lunchoen 48% and in pasterma 28%. The grilling process of manufactured raw minced meat had decreased the count
of 'B. cereus from 10 to 10% per gram, while the organisms could not be detected in minced meat subjected to boiling and roasting processing. DNase and TNase for the isolates were carried out as well as the public health importance and sanitary measures for improving meat and meat products were discussed.