Thirty random samples of ready to eat poultry were collected under sterile conditions from different food service establishments and restaurants in Assiut City where they were assayed for their microbial quality. The mean values of aerobic plate count, enterobacteriaceae count, staphylococci count and enterococci count were 7.1x10", 10", 10° and 3.26x10° colony forming funit (CFU/gm respectively. Out of 30 examined poultry samples 10%, 20%, 16.67%, 10% and 6.67% were positive for E.coli, Staph aureus, Strept. faecalis, Clostridium perfringens and Yersinia enterocolitica respec tively. Salmonellae and Campylobacter failed to be detected in the examined samples. Significance of the isolated organisms as well as suggestive hygienic measures for handling, preparation and storage of ready to eat poultry were discussed.