In this study, 780 camels were subjected to different serodiagnostic tests for brucellosis. These tests include tube agglutination, complement fixation, mercaptoethanol and Rose Bengal plate tests. In tube agglutination test, the reactor camels were 166(21.28%) when using phenolized physiological saline, 180(23.08%) when using 5% phenolized NaCl solution and 166 (21.28%) when using phenol saline at 50°C. In complement fixation test, positive reactor camels were 109(13.97%) and in mercaptoethanol test were 105(13.46%). In Rose Bengal plate test, the positive reactor camels were 64(8.2%). Prozone phenomenon, in tube agglutination test, was evident in many reacted sera when using phenolized physiological saline. This phenomenon could be overcome by using 5% phenolized NaCl solution. Bacteriological examination of tissue specimens from 41 camels slaughtered at abattoirs for Brucella isolation failed to isolate Brucella organisms.